WARNING: Minor Glee spoilers ahead. If you haven't seen this week's episode, consider coming back tomorrow.
When we last saw the gang at McKinley High, it was Wednesday, and Will had just stepped down as director. Sectionals are Saturday, and Saturday, just to remind you, is December 19.
We start with Emma taking over the glee club, and Mercedes showing us she ain't no Kelly Rowland. This might happen Wednesday, or it might be the next day, but that doesn't matter, because the team puts together its set list with just a few days to go, and then we jump to Saturday, and everyone's on the bus! Well, everyone except Mr. Schu, because he can't go, and Finn, because he's quit, and is busy cleaning out his locker, because football season has ended. Football season has ended? Really? The State Finals are Thanksgiving Weekend, and, as I have pointed out several times, McKinley wasn't making the playoffs. Football season has been over for this bunch for six weeks.
Anyway, we're over at Sectionals, and Frances McDormand and Lauren Hutton are rocking out to Jane Adams Academy and Haverhurst (no, seriously, watch it again, they're sitting right in front of the McKinley kids), and the set list has been compromised! That's okay, though, because Finn un-quits again (he's as good at this as Rachel), and the kids put together a song, complete with harmony and choreography, in one hour. This, I will point out, bothered the w quite a bit, but not me. I said this in a comment a while back, but a show like this is all about where you choose to suspend your disbelief. I'm okay with it being High School Musical, and everyone already knows the lyrics to every song and just starts dancing. What I'm not okay with is poor continuity.
And speaking of which, here comes Rachel and her amazing disappearing/reappearing band-aid (it's on her right knee... in about half of the first number)! Lea Michele is fantastic, but I gotta say, she has never looked less like a high school sophomore than in this number. Then we have the one-hour song, and we're off to judging. It's amusing and all, but then the Vice Comptroller mentions that she's only there because her boss got tickets to a NASCAR event at the last minute. And this is where I choose not to suspend my disbelief. It is December. Even if we give the show a couple of weeks of credit by just ignoring things like the football team's record (which gave us our first clue as to an actual date), it's the end of November at the earliest. Here is this year's NASCAR schedule. There isn't a NASCAR event in December. There isn't one remotely close to Ohio in November. On top of that, races are on SUNDAY! I know it's a throwaway line, it's just meant to be funny, but come on, people!
Anyway, the show ends, Emma resigns, her last day is Monday, and on Monday Sue is suspended and the kids sing Will a song and everyone is there despite the fact that it is December 21, and almost every public high school in the country let out for the year on the 18th. Maybe there was a snow day (and the snow completely melted away the next day, because the trees outside are still green), and now they have to make it up.
Anyway, that's what you missed on Glee. Join us in April for the Spring Semester. It had better be the Spring Semester.