Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Better Late Than Never

With the New Year over a week old, it seems like time to list this year's Resolutions:

  • Get the PhD.
  • Brown-bag it more. I'm spending close to $40 a week going out to lunch.
  • Less red meat. Less butter. Less sugar. Sigh.
  • Way less pizza. In particular, I will avoid the all-you-can-eat pizza buffet at Todaro's, in deference to my long-suffering arteries.
  • Stop using sponges to clean the dishes, as they are, apparently, nothing more than slightly soapy bacteria farms.
  • Make it to 400 on the 1001 Movies You Must See list. That will require just under 140 movies. I think I can do it.
  • Ride the bus more. I've already paid a hefty "transportation fee" to fund the bus system, I might as well get what I've paid for. As a bonus, half-hour bus ride + Google Video + iPod touch = 1-2 movies a week.

More resolutions (maybe) if I think of them.

1 comment:

Leo said...

I think sponges get a bad rap. I mean, sure - if you're not using soap and hot water - but you need to wipe the goopy stuff off the dishes with something. I support sponges.

My new year's resolutions are to blog more, run more, save more and eat less. Much like my daily resoltions.